Innovations in Chinas Diplomatic Theory and Practice under New Conditions 新形势下中国外交理论和实践创新
Innovations in diplomatic theory and practice have resulted in major achievements. 外交理论和实践创新取得一系列重大成果。
III. We must earnestly study and apply the achievements of innovations in diplomatic theory and practice to make new progress in diplomatic work. 深入学习贯彻外交理论和实践创新成果,开创外交工作新局面。
It is just like a thread running through his thought of foreign policy of peace and the diplomatic practice, and is also the core of this thought. 这象一根红线贯穿于列宁和平外交思想和实践的始终,构成了列宁和平外交思想的核心。
Both state immunity and diplomatic immunity are important legal practice in international law. 国家豁免与外交豁免都是国际法领域的重要法律制度。
Yet considering the reality, China's diplomatic practice based on pluralism will meet challenges from the Western counterparts along with the US hegemony and standardization of European Union. 然而,建立在多元思想基础上的中国外交实践将遇到美国霸权与欧盟规范化等西方的挑战。
The Common Diplomatic Policies of the EU: Practice, Problems and Prospects 欧盟的共同外交政策:实践、问题与展望
The selection and their diplomatic practice of the first diplomatic envoys of new China 新中国首批驻外使节的选派及其外交实践
Liu Kun-yi's Diplomatic Thoughts and Practice 刘坤一的外交思想和实践
His diplomatic thoughts and practice based on the national strength in late Qing dynasty showed a trend of realism. 张荫棠的外交思想及实践,基于当时中国国力,具有现实主义的趋向。
Based on the wide diplomatic practice, he formed his diplomatic thoughts. 在广泛的外交实践中形成了他丰富的外交思想。
His diplomatic practice boosted the consolidation of a series of modern routines and rules of international relations and contributed greatly to the formation of modern international community. 他的外交实践,促进了民族国家利益至上、天然疆界与势力均衡等一些具有近代意义的国际关系惯例和准则的强化与确立,对于近代国际社会的营建及发挥功能做出了重要贡献。
Based on his important diplomatic practice this author points out that Li Hong-zhang was a representative of the diplomacy of humiliation of the late Qing Dynasty. 也论及其另一侧面和是否代人受过等问题,并结合其重大外交实践指出李鸿章是晚清屈辱外交的代表。
Many of the theories of foreign policy analysis are developed on the basis of western and mostly modern diplomatic practice, whereas foreign policy decision making in ancient China, due to time and spatial reasons, has Chinese characteristics. 西方的外交政策分析主要是依据西方的外交实践总结出来,中国的外交决策过程,尤其是古代的外交决策过程,有中国的特性。
In China's contemporary diplomatic practice, many IR issues can benefit from both the Western and Chinese perspective. 在当代中国的外交实践中,许多问题也有必要从西方国际关系理论和中国的视野两个方面进行梳理。
Diplomatic philosophy is the specific utilization and embodiment of philosophy in diplomacy, is the thought of diplomatic thought, is the most basic diplomatic thought, which not only guides diplomatic practice, and also guides the establishment of foreign policy and diplomatic strategy. 外交哲学是哲学在外交中的具体运用和体现,是外交思想的思想,是最为根本的外交思想,它不仅指导着外交实践,而且也指导着外交政策和外交战略的制定。
Xu Jingcheng's Diplomatic Thoughts and His Practice 许景澄外交思想和实践
After the accumulation of more than two decades, especially after the end of cold war, China has gained some experience in regard with the application of TNCs to diplomatic practice. 二十年多来,特别是冷战结束以后,中国外交在利用美国跨国公司方面已积累了一定的经验。
On Zeng Ji-ze's Diplomatic Thought and Practice 论曾纪泽的外交思想及实践
International Law's New Trend and China's Diplomatic Practice 国际法发展新动向及中国的外交实践
Wang Jia-xiang's individual quality and his wide inter-party diplomatic practice. 王稼祥的个人素质及广泛的党际外交实践等四个方面加以论证。
The historical practice proved that, the diplomatic practice needs to draw close to the world changing to adapt to the variety of the challenge and the international benefit. 历史实践证明,纵观整个外交实践,一国的外交政策需要贴近不断变化的世界形势以适应不同的挑战和维护国际利益的需要。
From the literature review, we could find that neither a common idea nor a systematic theory on the concept diplomatic communication exists though it is often mentioned in practice. 从文献回顾中可以得出,尽管外交沟通在外交实践中并不少见,但对此却没有一个公认的权威界定,也几乎没有一个很系统、完整的理论。
American exceptionalism, as a particular political culture, is deeply rooted inUS diplomatic thoughts and has exerted certain influence on diplomatic practice. 美国例外论作为一种特殊的政治文化,已经深深扎根于美国外交思想,并对美国外交实践产生了一定的影响。
His diplomatic thoughts and practice occupied the important status in Chinese modern diplomatic history. All exerted a certain influence at that time and later. 他的外交思想和实践在中国近代外交史上占有重要的地位,在当时和后来都产生了一定的影响。
Civil can also play the main role in diplomacy; civil and diplomatic are unified in practice. 民间和外交在实践上是统一的,民间力量也能发挥外交的作用。
The first chapter is the introduction part; its main content is narrative of the origins of this subject, as well as the subject in the importance of multiple levels of academic history, theory and diplomatic practice. 第一章为绪论部分,主要叙述了本课题的源起,以及本课题在学术史、理论研究和外交实践等多个层面的重要意义。
After President Reagan, the New-conservative American diplomatic ideas began to become Washington official philosophy and applied to the diplomatic practice for the first time. and with the good situation in U.S diplomacy and the transformation of objective environment, it questioned by society and later was abandoned. 里根执政后新保守主义外交理念第一次成为华盛顿官方哲学并运用到外交实践,但伴随美国外交形势的好转和冷战环境的变化,它遭到社会的质疑而后被抛弃。
Exhaustion of local remedies is an old and important principle in International Law. It is part of the traditional national liability legal system and was been adopted in diplomatic practice by many countries since the beginning of the 18th century. 用尽当地救济原则是国际法上的一项古老而又重要的原则,是传统的国家责任法律制度的一部分。